Becoming a LUSHie: My Pursuit of Natural Hair & Skin Care


Lush (Photo credit: Pip)

The more I learn about the harsh chemicals in everything from food to shampoo, I’m tempted to move to a commune.  I’m not entirely joking.  We could raise grass fed animals, use natural ingredients for homemade products, and reduce our carbon footprints.  This is not a “scare blog” that is going to list how toxic and terrible everything is, causing you to run away to live in a cave.  Rather I want to highlight a brand I discovered last year and have loved using based both on how the products work and what the company stands for.   That company is LUSH.

Lush Cosmetics, or LUSH, is a UK-born company that makes products for hair, skin, and bath.  While that is nothing special, what the company stands for is: making safe and effective products that are truly natural and organic.  You don’t have to worry about their products being overly processed, genetically modified, or filled with enough preservatives to keep them good until the next millennium.  They care about the impact their company has on the environment and those who work to collect the material they use in their products, also known as ethical sourcing.  They care about animals, too.  LUSH does not test their products on animals, and they will not purchase any products from suppliers that test on animals.  Not only does the company believe in these things, they campaign for them.  They only use vegetarian ingredients, and many of their products are vegan.  As I got to know more about LUSH, the skeptic in me thought this sounded too good to be true.  I wanted to know what the downside was.

One aspect of the company some may see as a negative is their policy against unnecessary packaging.  While this has the environment in mind, some consumers may find it to be a bit of a turn off.  For example, when an item is packaged minimally there is higher risk of it breaking or getting damaged.  This does happen from time to time, especially since some of their products are more fragile.  For people who are environmentally conscious, this likely will not be a deterrent.  Another potential drawback, and perhaps the biggest one, is the cost of the product to the consumer.

While I wish I could tell you that their products are just as cheap as any you would find at Wal-Mart, I cannot.  Due to the ethical standards they uphold, their ingredients are more expensive than most anything you would find at the drugstore.  But why shouldn’t it be?  Doesn’t it make sense that this type of business model would create an increase in cost both to the business and the consumer?  I would rather spend more money on products I can feel good about than on a name brand department store product that is loaded with questionable ingredients made by a company apathetic toward their effect on the world.   LUSH products range anywhere from $1.95 to $89.95 (and higher for certain gift boxes).  Many of their products are affordable, and they have something for every age, gender, skin type, and hair type.

Just to be clear, I do not work for LUSH, am not affiliated with LUSH in anyway, nor do I receive any compensation whatsoever for writing this.  I’m just a die-hard LUSHie (i.e. consistent consumer of LUSH products that loves and raves about them, or as likes to describe us-“obsessed”) who wants to spread the word about their products.  The goods I have tried from there have had amazing results for my skin and hair, and I can use them in good conscience.

What do you think?  Leave a comment letting me know if you are pro natural/truly organic ingredients or if you think non-organic products are just fine (or if you are a fellow LUSHie!).  Interested in learning more about LUSH products, the company, and where you can find a LUSH near you?  Visit  Thanks for reading.

Check out my YouTube video on some of my recent LUSH products

About somethingtoconsiderblog

I love life. In this world there are so many dark, scary, & depressing things around us. I prefer to focus on the good and benevolent: spirituality, self-exploration and growth, a healthy lifestyle, learning, people, travel, food, music, and all things beautiful. We all have an impact on the world around us. Let’s make it an excellent one, and may it be contagious.

11 responses »

  1. I am with you 100% ! I let my hair color grow out a couple of years ago and then about 6 months ago I started using henna on my hair. It is 100% plant-based and I love it. I wish I could say everything I use is natural but I have come a long way. I was fatigued often and needed to drastically change my diet. I let go of sugar, artificial sweeteners, caffeine and dairy(it is frightening what is in dairy products too!). So I am glad to know you are starting this much younger than I did. I feel better but I still occasionally eat and use things that I know are not good for me. It is difficult sometimes. However, I have come a long way. BTW.. I buy the henna product at Sprouts and it is very affordable. Alas the food is not as reasonable nor the cleaning products but I think it is well worth it in the long run. Glad you wrote this because I needed boosts sometimes. THank you!

    • Awesome Robin! That is so wonderful to hear. I am not living a 100% natural/organic lifestyle either, but I hope to get close someday soon. It takes time, adjustment to the change, and more money. I’m always here if you need a boost :o)

  2. I am also a die-hard Lushie! I’m fortunate to live close to a store, which is nice! 🙂 I use their skin care line, makeup, lotions, soaps and shower gels. I just haven’t found a hair product there that I like enough to use consistently. 😦 Even though their stuff is more expensive, with many of their products, a little bit goes a long way! And they are extremely generous with samples, which may drive up the cost a bit. I feel good knowing that they hold high environmental and ethical standards too. 🙂

    • Christi! You never cease to surprise me w/ your awesomeness! If I lived near LUSH I think I would spend a gillion dollars there. They are so great about giving samples-which I almost always fall in love with. I use Big shampoo (liquid) and absolutely love it, have you tried it? It’s for fine hair.

      • I never hear of Lush or Big…. what company is Big or is that it? I live in a city that has many choices and is quite progressive so I hope to find them soon. Whole Foods has a lot of choices so I may have to start there. Thanks

      • Hey Robin! If you go to you can find the location nearest you. Looks like they have 3 in AZ, one in Scottsdale, Tucson, & Chandler. Big is a kind of shampoo Lush makes that I use & it’s great! A little pricey but it lasts a long time b/c a little goes a long way. Let me know if you try any of their products, I think you’ll like them 🙂

      • Yeah, I can’t leave the Lush store without dropping AT LEAST $150+, even when I’m only going in for just one thing, lol. Those darn associates there, “oh, try this, you’ll love it,” which I do. 😛 People back home who I’ve converted to Lushies will give me their orders whenever I go to the store. I have tried Big, but it seemed to dry out my hair. 😦 I do kind of like the Veganese conditioner though!

      • I can see how Big would dry out your hair, all that sea salt. I have oily hair so I like that. I’ve been wanting to try Veganese! I’ve been using Happy Happy Joy Joy. I like it but I don’t love it.

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